Wow, what a race so far! We started out in an unpredictable upwind heading out of New York City harbor with the winds going our way one minute and some other way the next. Then we had to pick our way through ferries, barges, ships, recreational traffic and the constant drone of helicopters, all of which made for some strange kind of energy. We made it all the way to Sandy Hook without tacking, and then were able to clear the point on one tack heading down to the turning mark off Barnett’s Inlet where we pivoted and headed back north towards Newport, RI.
It was a neck and neck race with “Miracle Mike” Hennessy and Rob Windsor on Dragon keeping pace with us most all the way. We rounded ahead of the next group of boats, but only by a mile or two at the most.
Through the long, damp, rainy night we changed sails, back and forth trying desperately to stay in the lead, but the fickleness of the winds kept us all guessing at who was out front.
It’s now about 12:30 pm EST and though one of us might be in the lead right now, I wouldn’t count any of the boats being out of the running.
Race Tracker 12:45 EDT (Link to the tracker is here!)
We have approximately 45 miles left and it’s without a doubt, one of the best and tightest drag races I’ve ever sailed. Just to our left are the pesky gents on Gryphon Solo II, and just behind them are our favorite Kiwi-French duo on Lecoq Cuisine AND between the three of us is 40 Degrees – with Peter the Great and Hanna the Greatest! Outside is Miracle Dragon along with the Rockers of Icarus along with the ever-present Prospects of Pleiad. We also suspect those local boats have a trick up their sleeve for us when we approach Block Island. This one is going to be a nail-biter right to the end!
It’s been full-on and neither Matt nor I have really slept at all or eaten much more than a handful of cookies, carrots or granola bars. Tension is high, which combined with excitement and adrenalin is making for an amazing experience.
Stay tuned for more after the finish. I’m only taking a short moment here to update you all … and then it’s back to sail trim and sail changes!
– Matt, Dave & Bodacious Dream