We’re beginning day two here. The first day was a full one with southerly breezes starting about 10 knots at the start and building through the day to 25. Quite a day of gybing down the race course!! As night came to us, the winds went light and the challenges began. Picking our way thru navigation, tidal currents and holes in the wind made for some frustrating sailing. We’ve managed at this point to round the mark at Roumiski. Coming to the mark we had less than two knots of wind and as we rounded, we were gifted with five knots…..we’re moving now and hoping to make some ground up from those that got past us last night.
Sailing in the peaceful calm last night gave us some interesting experiences. While picking up zephyrs of breeze, we could hear whales sounding around us. We’ve sighted a couple so far—one Beluga. The other wonderful sound that brings back many memories is the lonely cry of the Northern Loon. Throughout the night and early morning hours, on occasion, one would cry out. That and the occasional pine-scented zephyr from shore, let us know we were sailing thru some beautiful wilderness.night.
Well, onward we will charge, planning to reel in some miles on the leaders. (Follow the race live here.)
– Dave