From Dave, live on the water…
“Well … just been a day of wishing for more wind and motor sailing along. It’s actually been quite nice out – warm and sunny, but the wind has been light and from astern, so I’m using the added push of the engine to keep the speed up. All is well though. At this point, I’m just past halfway across the Bay of Biscay, headed to Cape Finisterre … one of the famous places along the way. From there, it’s another 300 miles south to Lisbon. So … for now, 200 miles down, 500 miles left to go.
Also, the computer seems to not want to receive emails at the moment, so I’m a bit hampered by that. I don’t really know why or what to do about it, but thanks to the satellite phone, I’m able to call the weather folks and keep abreast of the coming changes. There should be good winds coming tonight that will move me more quickly towards the Cape. At that point, I will have to negotiate rounding that cape in a breezy condition. Once around, and down about 100 miles, the winds will probably go light again.They say that Saturday afternoon on to Sunday’s arrival will be light sailing again. Oh well. Just hoping I have enough fuel … once again!
So … that’s the quiet news today. Hopefully, whatever gremlins stand between me and receiving emails, will go away so that I’ll be able to hear from some of you.”
– Dave